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The Practical Accessible Transport Highway (originally known as Practical Although Treacherous Highway) is a highway system originally created by the organisation NICO in an effort to connect the various settlements of NewSpawn Reborn. It can currently be divided into two parts, and three layers: The Old PATH, consisting of the Lower Layer, a railroad intended for minecart travel, the Upper Layer, which was originally made for horse travel, though it is also often used for ice-boat travel, and the New PATH, which combines both aspects of the Old PATH and can be used for minecart and ice-boat travel.

Before the path was constructed, there were three portals: Pueblo del Rio, LavaLand, and Efrafa, all loosely connected by roads.

Jazuri decided to build a more sophisticated system to connect the settlements in the Nether, inviting Th3sad0ne because they had a fortune pickaxe and Jazuri planned to include Quartz in the design, and GamerGeeked wanted to join in.

At the time, early preparations for a Nether City were made, but it had been decided to no longer be built there, since it was at the same level as the PATH.

Th3sad0ne was the first to establish the name “Highway” to describe the PATH, named after the Highways in 2b2t. The trio of GamerGeeked, Th3sad0ne, and Jazuri constructed the foundation for the PATH, what is now known as the Upper Layer. The design for the Upper Layer was established by GamerGeeked.