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cipher_hunt [2024/08/09 06:30] pinkyxpertcipher_hunt [2024/12/20 03:11] (current) pinkyxpert
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 ====== Cipher Hunt ====== ====== Cipher Hunt ======
-{{ :cipher_hunt_announcement.png?400|Pinkyxpert announcing the Cipher Hunt.}} The **Cipher Hunt** was a server-wide scavenger hunt created by [[pinkyxpert|Pinkyxpert]] on 29th June 2019, to commemorate the then-newest spawn being named [[Gravity falls|Gravity Falls]]. It was inspired by the real-life [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cipher_Hunt|Cipher Hunt]] by [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_Falls|Gravity Falls]] creator [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Hirsch|Alex Hirsch]].+[{{ cipher_hunt_announcement.png?300|
-In this scavenger hunt, players were tasked to follow a trail of clues that would eventually lead to an in-game statue of [[https://gravityfalls.fandom.com/wiki/Bill_Cipher|Bill Cipher]]. [[0rigamiDragon|0rigamiDragon]] was the first to solve the clues and find the statue, officially concluding the hunt on 30th June 2019. The Cipher Hunt clues remain to this day, for those who want to take on the challenge.+Pinkyxpert announcing the beginning of the Cipher Hunt.
-===== Clues =====+}}] 
 +The **Cipher Hunt** was a server-wide scavenger hunt created by [[pinkyxpert|Pinkyxpert]] on 2019-06-29, to commemorate the then-newest spawn being named [[Gravity falls|Gravity Falls]]. It was inspired by the real-life [[wp>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cipher_Hunt|Cipher Hunt]] by [[wp>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_Falls|Gravity Falls]] creator [[wp>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Hirsch|Alex Hirsch]]. 
 +In this scavenger hunt, players were tasked to follow a trail of clues that would eventually lead to an in-game statue of [[https://gravityfalls.fandom.com/wiki/Bill_Cipher|Bill Cipher]]. [[0rigamiDragon|0rigamiDragon]] was the first to solve the clues, find the statue, and claim the reward, officially concluding the hunt the next day on 2019-06-30. 
 +The Cipher Hunt clues remain to this day, for those who want to follow along the challenge. The signs have since been marked with glow ink and coloured dye to make the signs more distinct. 
 +===== Solving the hunt ===== 
 +==== Starting Clue ====
 The start of the Cipher Hunt is located in Gravity Falls. The relevant clue reads as follows: The start of the Cipher Hunt is located in Gravity Falls. The relevant clue reads as follows:
->//Hello, kind stranger!// +//Hello, kind stranger!// 
->//Do you yearn for an adventure?// + 
->//Then follow my clues,// +//Do you yearn for an adventure?// 
->//A prize you’ll find on this venture.// + 
->//The first clue is as follows, so listen ever so carefully:// +//Then follow my clues,// 
->//From the town in a jungle, // + 
->//head east and find a calling.//+//A prize you’ll find on this venture.// 
 +//The first clue is as follows, so listen ever so carefully:// 
 +//From the town in a jungle, // 
 +//head east and find a calling.// 
 +At the time of the Cipher Hunt's creation, [[Pueblo del Rio|Pueblo del Rio]] was the only town located in a jungle. Thus, players were to arrive in Pueblo del Rio via the [[Nether Highway|Nether Highway]], walk East in a straight direction, and eventually come across a build of a giant mobile phone, where the next clue would be presented nearby. 
 +==== First Clue ==== 
 +[{{ firstclue.png?300| 
 +The First Clue, found at Pueblo del Rio. 
 +The First Clue reads as follows: 
 +//You’ve found me, oh galore!// 
 +//The next clue is near.// 
 +//But first count the number of all the words here. // 
 +//The next clue can be found in a swamp long forgotten;// 
 +//Near the castle of Embers there are bridges to your destination.// 
 +//Follow the path and climb up the mountain and there you will find the next clue you’ll have wanted.// 
 +The "castle of Embers" refers to [[Emberside Castle|Emberside Castle]], which is located in [[Red Ravine|Red Ravine]]. Players were to enter Red Ravine and follow an abandoned pathway to the old location of Red Ravine's portal, which was located on a mountain near a swamp. 
 +==== Second Clue ==== 
 +[{{ secondclue2.png?400| 
 +The Second Clue, found at the mountain near a swamp by Red Ravine. 
 +[{{secondclue1.png?150 | 
 +The bridge leading to the mountain, originally built as a path to and fro the old Red Ravine portal. 
 +The Second Clue reads as follows: 
 +//Xboxes are nice, but that’s not the topic here.// 
 +//You’ve found the second clue, congratulations, you hear?// 
 +//The last clue you must find if you wish to earn the prize;// 
 +//So listen ever so carefully to this penultimate rhyme:// 
 +//Where the wishes of those from a town run dry,// 
 +//Inside of those wishes, the third clue you will find.// 
 +//The town starts with “K”, accessed from the upper layer.// 
 +//Good luck, my adventurer! I’m sending a prayer.// 
 +At the time, the Nether Highway was divided into only two main layers: An upper layer intended for travel by horse or walking, and a lower layer intended for minecart travel. Players were to travel to the town of [[Kuusila|Kuusila]], entering an empty wishing well where the last clue is located. 
 +==== Third Clue ==== 
 +[{{thirdclue1.png?300 | 
 +The wishing well in Kuusila. 
 +[{{ thirdclue2.png?300| 
 +The Third Clue, found beneath the water in the well. 
 +The Third Clue reads as follows: 
 +//Zig-Zaggity Zoom!// 
 +//Good job, my old friend! Your prize is so near.// 
 +//As the first clue said, take note of the numbers here.// 
 +//Count every word from every single rhyme,// 
 +//And take note of the first very letter every single time.// 
 +//From there you will find that the answer is clear:// 
 +//Follow these numbers and letters so queer!// 
 +Following these instructions, players were to count the number of words, assign those numbers to the first letter of each clue, and assemble the combination of numbers and letters to produce a set of coordinates (x:77, y:61, z:58). From there, players would have to simply follow these coordinates to the location of the Cipher Statue. 
 +==== Cipher Statue ==== 
 +Following the coordinates, is a small underground chamber where a stone statue of Bill Cipher can be found, along with a note from Pinkyxpert. A chest of Golden Apples was rewarded to the first person to find the statue, which was claimed by 0rigamiDragon. 
 +[{{ cipherstatue.png?450| 
 +The Cipher Statue found by following the given coordinates. 
 +The creator's note left reads as follows: 
 +//Congratulations, you found it!// 
 +//You’ve got quite the nerve!// 
 +//For all of your troubles,// 
 +//Some Golden Apples I’ll serve!// 
 +//Thanks for your time, from the non-expert of Pink.// 
 +//May your name be known in history for using your brains to think!// 
 +//Enjoy Bill Cipher’s statue, your quest is over at last.// 
 +//I know it was short, but I had to work fast!//