====== Page Templates ====== These tools allow you to quickly and easily create pages for specific kinds of things. ===== Player page wizard =====
ACTION template :template:player : THANKS "Page has been created! 👌 Now click on its name below and edit it 📝, then add AT LEAST a basic introduction about the player in question. Make sure you remove ALL of the lines if any (including special symbols) containing references to missing information (e.g. Discord name, Reddit name if none was specified)" FIELDSET "Player data" TEXTBOX "Name of player" @ STATIC "Use the Minecraft username at time of creation here" TEXTBOX "UUID of player" WIKI "The player UUID can be found on [[https://namemc.com|namemc.com]]" TEXTBOX "Role" "=Player" STATIC "Role of player within NewSpawn" YESNO "Has Discord" YESNO "Has Reddit" FIELDSET "Discord data" "Has Discord" TEXTBOX "Discord name without tag" STATIC "e.g. Manchineel" TEXTBOX "Discord tag" STATIC "e.g. 3915" FIELDSET "Reddit data" "Has Reddit" TEXTBOX "Reddit username prefixed by u/" STATIC "e.g. u/alex2003super" FIELDSET "Confirm creation" STATIC "Make sure to edit this page right afterwards, to provide at least a basic introduction of the player!" SUBMIT "Submit page"