====== NotFranko_ ====== {{tag>player}} === NotFranko_ === --------------------- {{ https://crafatar.com/renders/body/e28ab9ac-7a4a-4238-bf6d-c2dae75afa1c.png }} |< 100% 50% 50% >| ^ Player Information || ^ Name | NotFranko_ | ^ Role | Player | ^ Discord Name | NotFranko_#0001| **NotFranko_**, formerly known as **FrankoBG**, is one of the original players on [[newspawn|NewSpawn]]. His character became a meme on the server for the fact that he took the [[dragon_egg|dragon egg]] and journeyed to [[the_end|The End]], where he was then killed, losing the valuable item. When others went to FrankoBG's death location, the egg had already despawned.