====== GamerGeeked ====== {{tag>player}} === GamerGeeked === --------------------- {{ https://crafatar.com/renders/body/5512683e-577e-4dd3-a845-d5af5d4c1579.png }} |< 100% 50% 50% >| ^ Player Information || ^ Name | GamerGeeked | ^ Role | Player, Former Wiki Admin | ^ Discord Name | GamerGeeked#2761| **GamerGeeked** is a prominent [[newspawn|NewSpawn]] player. He has founded many groups, including the [[nico|NICO]], [[gold_alliance|Gold Alliance]], and cofounded [[campcorp|CampCorp]] before being evicted. He is also the creator of the original NewSpawn Wiki, which has been now discontinued in favor of [[start|this wiki]].