====== EggYoch ====== {{tag>player}} === EggYoch === ---- {{ https://crafatar.com/renders/body/943b9cdc-6506-4d8a-a8ab-6f7718b0f08e.png }} |< 100% 50% 50% >| ^ Player Information |^ ^ Name | EggYoch | ^ Role | NewSpawn Classic player | ^ Discord Name | Jaymay#8009 | ^ Reddit Username | [[reddit>u/EggYoch]] | **EggYoch** is the NewSpawn member that inspired the creation of [[newspawn_reborn|NewSpawn Reborn]]. He is currently one of the few confirmed members of [[newspawn_classic|NewSpawn Classic]]. EggYoch owns a manor in [[pueblo_del_rio|Pueblo del Rio]], one of the oldest builds of the server. In his comment about NewSpawn Classic from 2019-04-19, he described the original experience of the game, along with one of his most ambitious Minecraft projects: the Underground Secret City Of Secretness (U.S.C.O.S.):
I used to play on a server called "Newspawn". Every week, the spawn point would move to a random location in the world, and we'd all build a new city at that spot. Some players would build pathways connecting to previous spawns/settlements, to make it easier for people to find their old bases again. At one point, me and a few other players decided to go off on our own, and build a secret underground city, which we called "USCOS" (Underground Secret City of Secretness). We spent an entire day carving out a massive hollow chamber underground, then spent a few days settling in with powered lighting in the ceiling, trees, farms, houses etc. It was a beautiful city, and it was our secret. Server shut down unexpectedly shortly after that, and I never found those dudes again :(
This prompted [[alex2003super|alex2003super]] to build a new a server in recreation of NewSpawn Classic, which he did the following day. EggYoch immediately joined the new server and took part in the still-infant NewSpawn community, where he's still seen as one of the true "OGs".